[ENG TRANSLATION] Yuzuru Hanyu – World Championships 2021 Post-SP Interview – 210326

Photo by Yoshiki Kogaito, Sponichi

Original article Part 1 published 26 March 2021.
Original article Part 2 published 26 March 2021.



Sochi 2014 & Pyeongchang 2018 Gold Medalist Yuzuru Hanyu (ANA) came in first in the Men’s Short Program with a score of 106.98. He answered interview questions from the media online in a virtual reporters’ mixed zone.



―What is something you wanted to express specifically with this piece of music?

Yuzuru: I think the appeal of the program is that I’m really feeling the music and expressing the energy within the music with my arms, my skating and jumps and throughout my whole body. Also, looking back on each element, the absence of the audience this time meant that it was difficult to make that connection but there are a lot of movements in the choreography that tries to speak to the audience so I think that’s also a key appeal for this program. 



―In the pre-competition online interview, you said you had a lot of thoughts in your mind before you came here. Are those thoughts still lingering in your mind?

Y: Um… hmm. Well, I think I came here still carrying those feelings. Ah…if asked whether they’ve changed since Japanese Nationals [in December], I feel as if not much has changed. In fact, well, perhaps it’s because it’s my hometown, but I’m extremely worried about the number of [COVID19] infections going up a lot where I live in the Sendai & Miyagi area. However, after all, I’ve come here to the competition site and I skated and put out a performance like that today, and then there’s the free, and if I can perform in the exhibition too, I want to try and find some sort of meaning in the fact I skated here, at this World Championships. Of course, I would be very happy if everyone watching can feel something and I want to make it so as well, but, in the end I think I’m going to do my best and aim for performances where I can feel some sort of meaning in the fact that I’m skating, so to speak.



―After the Japanese Nationals, you have been practising alone until now. Did you think it was difficult or have you become used to it?

Hm, well there were times I felt down, like before Japanese Nationals, then there were the ups and downs of my condition and I could not reach the goal I was aiming towards, so it was indeed tough Also, right before I came to Stockholm, and also back in February too, there were earthquakes; [the February one] which messed up the inside of my house, so on top of those feelings there were some painful moments associated with that. That being said, I was able to come here in good health and also skate this program well. It was a hard time I think, but I am where I am now because of those days. 



―What were the things you were most let down by?

It was the quad Axel. I did indeed put a lot of effort into the quad Axel. I think the most painful thing was not being able to decisively land the jump.* But in any case, it’s because of that [training] that I gained a lot of muscle strength and new ways of thinking about my training methods. Well, in some sense, I think I’ve leveled up from before Japanese Nationals. 

*T/N: It’s unclear here by ‘decisively land’ (跳びきれなかった) whether Yuzuru means he was unable to land the jump at all or not land the jump to the standards of his other jumps etc. In order to not make assumptions, we want to note this part is open to interpretation.


Photo by Yoshiki Kogaito, Sponichi



―You said before that you’ve incorporated thought from artistic gymnastics and athletics, but how does it link to your performances?

Y: That was from quite a while ago. When I had the chance to speak with gymnasts [Kouhei] Uchimura and [Kenzo] Shirai, they told me they sometimes use the way of rotating in figure skating as references. This time, I was also inspired by the fact Uchimura-san had succeeded at H difficulty level skills*. I found myself watching Uchimura-san’s documentaries, and wondering what kind of feelings he was going through. The quad Axel is quite a big barrier for me now, so I had been thinking about how to increase the number of revolutions, the height of jumps, and the time in the air. Also, though I don’t do any weight training off-ice, I’ve thought about various things like how to get the most out of my strength on land and my own potential.

*T/N: Referring to the highest difficulty level of skills in artistic gymnastics



―Do you feel that the new things you have incorporated became familiar to your body?

I feel like I’m really getting closer to perfecting my quad axel. I’m glad, because it helped me to stabilize many things, and it also helped me gain confidence.



―You said before that in doing practice for the quad axel, you gained some muscle. How are you building up your body now?

Y: It’s not like I’m doing weight training, but more like while I was doing [quad axel practice], gradually I gained some muscle along the way. I think I gained some muscle in order (for my body) to deal with things like centrifugal force and inertia.



―Are you building up your muscle through practices?

Y: Yes, but I’m not doing any special training to increase my muscular strength. However, when I first started working on the quad axel I had quite a lot of muscle pain. That’s since gone away. In fact, even in my free & short (programs), for my other jumps, I’ve been able to jump them a lot more effortlessly.



―Did you gain weight?

Y: I did gain weight.



―May we ask how many kilos?

Y: No (I don’t want to!) *laughs*



―The actor Ishizaka Kouji who appeared in the taiga* drama “Heaven and Earth,” that your free program is based on, sent you a supportive message [recently].

Y: Aside from writing and scrolls [paintings], we actually don’t know what Lord Kenshin* looked like. But, I think within Ishizaka Kouji-san, there’s a bit of something like Lord Kenshin’s soul, or heart. For myself too, I would like it if I could feel and then skate with some of that same heart and soul, or perhaps something like the scenery and memories that Lord Kenshin saw too.

*T/N:  Referring to 16th century/medieval Japanese warlord Uesugi Kenshin who ruled over part of northern Japan. The music for Yuzuru’s free program this time is taken from a 1969 taiga (historical) drama called “Heaven and Earth” that is about Kenshin’s life.



―You said that there was a period of time where you were feeling quite down, like before Japanese Nationals, but this time around, what motivated you to get back to this point?

Y: There wasn’t really anything motivating me in particular. Hm, what was it… Well, it’s like my feelings have been rejuvenated and it’s close to feeling like I’ve crawled my way back to this point. My real feelings were that I wanted to put in the quad axel at this competition. I even squeezed in practice for it until the very last minute. And so in the end, I’m a little disappointed at the fact I couldn’t put it in. Also, it’s a much harsher fight this time compared to Japanese Nationals. So in that sense I was overcome with worry even during practices, and because of things like that I think it was tough. However, I think I was able to do what I did today because there were those difficult days. Also, I’m working on thinking about how to keep myself up*, thinking about jumps, thinking about skating, so I want to keep those things close to me, and tomorrow, I want to aim for a performance where I can say “I did my best” to myself afterwards. Tomorrow? Oh, it’s the day after tomorrow. Yes, I want to aim for that [kind of performance] day after tomorrow.

*T/N: Unclear what kind of “up” he means, whether mentally, physically, etc.


 「えっと。えっと…出発の3日前くらいです。はい。ありがとうございます。また明後日もよろしくお願いします。Thank you so much!」

―When did you decide not to include the (quad) axel this time?

Y: Uh… um… around 3 days before I left [for the competition]. Yes. Thank you. I’ll see you again the day after tomorrow. [in English] Thank you so much!

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We are the Axel with Wings translation team, made up of fans of Yuzuru Hanyu. We hope to share videos of him and Japanese figure skating content with more people around the world. We aim to do our best to accurately capture the spirit of what's said. Hope you enjoy our videos and other contents.

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