About the Team

We are the Axel with Wings translation team, made up of fans of Yuzuru Hanyu, based all around the world. We hope to share videos of him and Japanese figure skating content with more people around the world.

Translation will always be a balance between language skill, subjective interpretation and accuracy of understanding. Please note we are not professional translators but we do our best to responsibly translate by working as a team and cross-checking with multiple Japanese and English speakers. We welcome corrections via Twitter DM and are always seeking to improve.


Translator, Proofreader

A Japanese fan. Member of BBI. Proud of being a part of AWW.
My goal is to find Fanyus in every single country /region in this world.
Love to talk to Fanyus and I blog sometimes in Japanese.

Twitter: @yuzueco


Encoder, Subber

Fanyu, love Hanyu, reading a book, listening to music, and sleeping 😜 NO HORROR MOVIE BUT WILL EMBRACE ROMCOM AND ACTION MOVIE 😍😘 My fingers can’t stop retweet Yuzu content on Twitter 🤓

Twitter: @yuzuru_fairy 🥰


Translator, Proofreader

Australian FS fan, who watched Yuzuru’s 2017 Worlds performance and was a goner. Japan stole my heart when I was a child and has held onto it gently ever since.

Twitter: @axelsandwich


Translator, Proofreader, Timer

Discovered Yuzuru Hanyu after his first Olympic gold in 2014 and truly fell into the “swamp” while watching his journey towards his second Olympic gold medal in 2018.

Twitter: BlueFlame4YUZU


Translator, Proofreader

Discovered the beauty of Yuzuru’s skating via Hope & Legacy and then fell in love with his courage throughout the 14-15 season. Currently working on a 2nd top secret mission!

Twitter: tsukihoshi14


Video creator, encoder, subber, typist

Aiming for Hanyu, my goal is nailing single axel one day!

Twitter: @aoyuzu205


Translator, Proofreader

Toronto-based hobbyist artist, fan translator, pokemon trainer, and long time fanyu! I’ve been a fanyu since Sochi and am so glad to be involved in this fan community. I’m very passionate about Japanese history and am also always overeager to talk about my cat Nobu! :3

Twitter: shinjistarxx


Translator, Proofreader

Shocked by the Etude, Patetico, in Nebelhorn. Amateur piano player.


Encoder, Subber

A biologist with a tendency to fall for HA- stuff, such as Haikyuu and Hanyu Yuzuru~ Also a translator for the biggest Russian Yuzuru community. Yuzuru brings me inner peace (except for when he’s doing crazy things, admittedly often dskjgbdsg) and motivation

Twitter: @TrianaNero


Encoder, Subber

Chinese-Malaysian, became a fanyu during lockdown in 2020. Yuzuru’s 2017 Worlds Hope and Legacy skate never fails to bring me solace in trying times.

Twitter: @jwwmochi


Subber, Transcriber

Hello, I am esther, a Japanese fanyu. I am happy if I can be of some help to fanyus who want to know what Hanyu-san is talking about. I sometimes blog in Japanese. The photo is Lord Kenshin covered with snow. Taken at Uesugi shrine twitter

Twitter: @nZ6MfIeulsqW1su
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/esther724/


Encoder, Subber

California-based designer and engineer. Fell in the swamp hard pre-2021 JNats. Hanyu’s skating is truth and light in the midst of all the darkness.

Twitter: @Dignatio

The Japanese transcript team

We’d also like to thank the following people who help our team regularly:

@icepanda171, Pumpkinface